A Letter From MEP Field Administrator Wilson Sairowua

The Mara Elephant Project rangers have been working hard to ensure the safety and security of the Mara’s elephants and residents alike. I was proud of our response to a human-elephant conflict situation in October where a matriarch of a large herd had been speared multiple times and was at risk of death. MEP rangers responded quickly and, with the help of the Kenya Wildlife Service/David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust vet, were able to remove 11 arrows from this matriarch and collar her for important data collection and monitoring of her safety.

Dr. Lindo Treating Matriarch

KWS/David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust vet treating Courtney.

Another highlight was my opportunity to attend a human-elephant conflict mitigation workshop in December. The focus of the workshop was to use new and innovative technologies to mitigate human-elephant conflict, which is a growing issue MEP faces in the Mara. During this four-day workshop I met some great peers and out-of-the-box thinkers that participated in creating four new technologies that could possibly be used in 2017.

Wilson at HEC Workshop

Wilson working with peers on innovative HEC mitigation technologies. 

In terms of new partnerships MEP rangers are now working with the Narok County Government rangers and have 11 NCG rangers deployed in the field working alongside our rangers. These partnerships are vital to MEP’s success.

MEP rangers are also using new camera technology to track elephant crossing points at the Mara River. These cameras are motion activated and give us valuable information about elephant movements and numbers.

Gideon Nkoitoi won the Ranger of the Quarter award for his excellence in the line of duty and commitment to professionalism and leadership. He has been spearheading the project to create predator-proof doors out of used avgas barrels. These have been keeping local farmer’s livestock safe at night.


Avgas predator-proof door.

darling Sandra Personally, I’m thrilled about the arrival of my daughter, Sandra in September.


Thank you for your continued support of MEP rangers!


Wilson’s daughter Sandra.